Our lunches are informal affairs, so bring your lunch, leave when you feel like it and come prepared to talk as no presentation will take more than 50% of the hour.
Follow this link to see a current list of lunches and do get it touch with Pryce.Davis@nottingham.ac.uk if you would like to take a turn leading one. No need to be a member of the LSRI to either present or attend
LSRI seminars are part of the School of Education seminars series and so are slightly more formal in tone, although dialogue is still encouraged. Speakers talk typically for 50 minutes and ideally we record them to share afterward.
To see seminars from 2018 onwards follow this link and if you would not mind signing up, please do so via the School of Education link to eventbrite. However, if you forget to do sign up, please still feel free to come along!