Learning Sciences has a long history at the University of Nottingham.
It began in October 1992 with an ESRC centre grant to Professor David Wood to form a research centre based in the School of Psychology, which he called the Centre for Research in Development, Instruction and Training (CREDIT). After 10 years, we became the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI) with contributors from the Schools of Education and Computer Science formally joining and in 2003 the LSRI was launched in its new home on the Jubilee Campus.
In 2005, Professor Mike Sharples took over the academic directorship of the LSRI alongside a University Chair in Learning Sciences.
In 2010, following a University review and reorganisation, the LSRI moved to its new administrative home within the School of Education and Professor Charles Crook took over as director.
In 2016, Professor Shaaron Ainsworth became the current director and oversaw another location change for the LSRI as we moved (the majority of our members) into the Dearing Building where our offices, PhD students and research lab can now be found.
Contact Us
Most members of the LSRI can be found here
Dearing Building
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
This is building number six on the Jubilee Campus Map
Detailed information about how to travel here is provided on this webpage
Queries about the LSRI can be directed to Professor Shaaron Ainsworth (Shaaron.Ainsworth at nottingham.ac.uk)