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Please find a link to our public lists of publications and a selection of people’s current favourites.
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Shaaron Ainsworth | Google Scholar ResearchGate | 1) Ainsworth, S. E., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Learning by drawing visual representations: Potential, purposes, and practical implications. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(1), 61-67. I selected this one as it was as I like papers about drawing and I like to write papers that summarise complex fields. 2)Manches, A., & Ainsworth, S. (2022). Learning about viruses: Representing covid-19. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Education, 6(517). doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.736744 4). So many of us have spent 2 years looking at pictures of Covid-19 and so I decided to examine how we are representing the virus at the heart of the pandemic to children, |
Pryce Davis | ORCID Google Scholar Research Gate | 1) Dynamic framing in the communication of scientific research: Texts and interactions PR Davis, RS Russ - Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2015 I chose this paper as it reflects my passions: Blurring boundaries and increasing dialogue across disciplines. The work is part of a larger interdisciplinary study about tracing meaning making on the pathways of science communication, which has been much of the focus of my early career. 2) “Whoa! We’re going deep in the trees!”: Patterns of collaboration around an interactive information visualization exhibit P Davis, M Horn, F Block, B Phillips, EM Evans… - … Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2015 This paper is the result of a large multi-institution design-based research project. It demonstrates new ways of analyzing learning outside of the classroom. An earlier version was awarded “Best Design Paper” at The International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). |
Jane Medwell | Google Scholar ORCID ID | 1) The links between handwriting and composing for Y6 children J Medwell, S Strand, D WrayCambridge Journal of Education 39 (3), 329-344 This article is a favourite because it is genuinely curiosity driven. Doing a review of literature I found this interesting idea about the link between aspects of handwriting and composing and was able to hunt it down. Handwriting automaticity is really important for children learning to compose- who knew? 2 Primary homework in England: the beliefs and practices of teachers in primary schools J Medwell, D Wray Education 3-13, 1-14 This one is another curiosity driven idea. Why do teachers set homework. Well, they don’t really know. They know what it is good for, but they don’t do that. |
Charles Crook | ORCID ID Google Scholar Research Gate | 1) http://The video lecture Crook, C., & Schofield, L. (2017). The Internet and Higher Education, 34, 56-64. Because video as an expository format has been neglected and there are good theoretical and practical reasons for understanding the design decisions that are made with it. 2)The 'digital native' in context: tensions associated with importing Web 2.0 practices into the school setting Crook, C. (2012). Oxford Review of Education, 38(1), 63-80. Because I hope it disturbs comfortable assumptions that the practices associated with media immersion out of school transfer painlessly and productively to the demands of what happens in school |
Mary Oliver | orcid | Jerrim, J., Oliver, M., & Sims, S. (2019). The relationship between inquiry-based teaching and students’ achievement. New evidence from a longitudinal PISA study in England. Learning and Instruction, 61, 35-44. I selected this paper as it addresses issues around inquiry-based teaching in science using data linking the PISA database with National Pupil Database. Here, we explored the relationship between classroom teaching strategies, and achievement in science. We found little evidence that the frequency of IBL is positively associated with PISA or GCSE science. |
Peter Woods | ORCID ID Google Scholar Research Gate Personal Website | 1. Woods, P. J. (2022). Learning to make noise: Toward a process model of artistic practice within experimental music scenes. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 29(2), 169–185. I chose this paper because it best represents my approach to learning sciences research, one that combines situated explorations of emergent learning practices with critical theoretical work. I also love that I got to highlight the work of performers from the Milwaukee noise scene, a community that is very close to my heart. 2. Woods, P. J. (2019). Mapping Critical Anthropocene Discourses in Musical Artefacts: Whiteness, Absence, and the Intersecting “-Cenes” in Prurient’s The History of Aids. Open Cultural Studies, 3(1), 541–552. This piece showcases the cultural studies work I do alongside my investigations into the learning sciences. It highlights my interdisciplinary approach to object analysis that draws from visual cultures, critical theory, and ethnomusicology in equal measure. |
Gabriela Zapata | ORCID ID Google Scholar Research Gate | 1) Bolger, P. A., & Zapata, G. C. (2011). Semantic categories and context in L2 vocabulary learning. Language Learning, 61(2), 614-646. I’ve chosen this publication because I believe it has been significant in the fields of L2 acquisition and pedagogy. The project tested the effectiveness of different methods of vocabulary presentation by comparing vocabulary presented in semantically grouped contextualized texts, and vocabulary presented in semantically unrelated contextualized texts, and it included the use of an eye-tracker. The results of this study shed more light onto the processes that are involved in the acquisition and learning of L2 vocabulary, and it provided evidence to challenge the long-standing tradition of vocabulary presentation in semantically related fields in L2 textbooks |