LSRI will be well represented at this year’s International Conference on Computer Supporter Collaborative Learning (CSCL) taking place from 17 – 21 June in Lyon, France. CSCL is one of the two international conferences sponsored by the International Society of the Learning Sciences.
On 18 June, LSRI’s Pryce Davis and Freydis Vogel together with further co-organizers will conduct a half-day workshop at CSCL 2019. The workshop intends to strengthen the exchange between academics involved in the organization and teaching of Master’s and PhD programs in the Learning Sciences from different universities and countries. The main goal of the workshop will be to identify how CSCL practices can be designed to teach the Learning Sciences in their programs and across different programs. In addition, the workshop aims to provide an arena for discussing how the Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) can serve the needs of LS programs to maintain exchange and realize innovative pedagogies for learning in the future.
Additionally, on June 20, 12:30 – 14:00, Freydis Vogel and Pryce Davis will co-chair the NAPLeS members meeting at CSCL 2019 in Lyon. The meeting will take place during the lunch break in room Salle de Presse, Site Monod. If you are staff or student of a NAPLeS member program or interested in becoming NAPLeS member, just grab some food and join us in this meeting.
On June 21, 11:00 – 12:30, Freydis Vogel, together with Heiswan Yeong from Hallym University in Seoul, South Korea, will co-chair and present the Symposium “Understanding CSCL through the Lens of Research Syntheses.” In this Symposium four papers will be presented and discussed which showcase the application of different methods for synthesizing CSCL research. Firstly, three papers will be presented that depict a bibliometric analysis, a qualitative systematic review and a quantitative meta-analysis. Secondly, the fourth paper will introduce meta-synthesis as a method to integrate quantitative and qualitative research outcomes and a way to overcome the disadvantages of using only one particular synthesis method. Susan Yoon from the University of Pennsylvania will discuss the papers and motivate fruitful discussion between the audience and the presenters.
Finally, on 20 June, 18:00 – 19:30, Pryce Davis will present research conducted along with University of Nottingham LTE alum, Ezequiel Aleman, entitled “A exploration of female engagement and collaboration: the Bricks and Bits maker project.” This presentation explores how learners engage in “maker” activities when collaborating and how participation can become more inclusive when framing activities as service to learners’ broader community. Pryce will describe the first iteration of the Bricks and Bits project, undertaking in Uruguay, where undergraduate engineering students were challenged to re-design the toys of children. Bricks and Bits specifically reimagines making as a service learning project in order to increase the inclusion of female participants.