Higher Education Partnership with Peru

Together with Andrew Joyce-Gibbons from the University of Durham and Carol Rivero Panaqué from PUCP University in Lima, we have successfully raised funding from the British Council supporting academic exchange between the LSRI and PUCP in Lima, Peru. Various workshops in Lima and Nottingham will be conducted throughout November and December 2019. Learning Sciences is still an underrepresented subject in higher education in Latin America. Thus, the workshops will be focused on introducing the Learning Sciences approach to academics in Peru, supporting the launch of a Learning Sciences course at PUCP, and ongoing academic exchange between the institutions. ...
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LSRI will be well represented at this year's International Conference on Computer Supporter Collaborative Learning (CSCL) taking place from 17 – 21 June in Lyon, France. CSCL is one of the two international conferences sponsored by the International Society of the Learning Sciences. On 18 June, LSRI's Pryce Davis and Freydis Vogel together with further co-organizers will conduct a half-day workshop at CSCL 2019. The workshop intends to strengthen the exchange between academics involved in the organization and teaching of Master’s and PhD programs in the Learning Sciences from different universities and countries. The main goal of the workshop will be to identify how CSCL practices can be designed to teach the Learning Sciences in their programs and across different programs. In addition, the workshop aims to provide an arena for discussing how the Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences (NAPLeS) can serve the needs of LS programs to maintain exchange and realize innovative pedagogies for learning in the...
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LSRI visits Uruguay

In an effort support current projects and build new relationship, LSRI's Dr. Pryce Davis visited colleagues from several organizations in Uruguay earlier this month. Dr. Davis first visited the Plan Ceibal and the Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay's (UTEC) logistic centers at LATU Technology Park in Montevideo. Here Dr. Davis, along with colleague Dr. Nathan Holbert (Teacher's College - Columbia University), met with representatives from Plan Ceibal, UTEC, and Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay (UTU) to discuss support for several ongoing and future collaborations. Attendees at this meeting included two graduates from the University of Nottingham's MA course in Learning, Technology and Education—Ezequiel Aleman (UTEC) and Camila Gottlieb (Fundación Ceibal). MA LTE alumni Ezequiel Aleman and Camila Gottlieb visit with LSRI's Dr. Pryce Davi Following this fruitful and engaging meeting, the attendees visited PTI Cerro—a community space in an industrial center in the west of Montevideo—which houses local businesses, a community school for secondary and continuing education and a new communal fablab makerspace. Over...
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